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Finance platter FIC Hansraj

Finance Platter 

Finance Platter 2018

The Finance and Investment Cell, Hansraj College hosted the fifth edition of its flagship event, Finance Platter on the 29th of October, 2018.

  • Stockfather 3.0 was our flagship digital mock stock competition in which participants had to use their wit to speculate and maximise their profits on the bases of the news provided to them. It was not like any other monotonous mockstock as it also involved the element of futures and options to make it more enthralling as well as challenging.

  • Aakraman was a new event in Finance Platter 18 which took the participants into the medieval era where they had to build their own army of animals and soldiers and fight each other to protect their kingdoms. The event came with a lot of trading, attacking, defending,all in one to make it more amusing.

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