Finance and Investment Cell
Hansraj College

about us
The Finance and Investment Cell, Hansraj College embarked upon its journey to promulgate financial literacy in the year 2014. Since then, we at FIC have been disseminating quintessential information on finance and related concepts. Be it organizing multifarious events or hosting regular speaker sessions with eminent personalities, the Cell has managed to build a significant presence for itself and has lived up to its reputation of being one of the finest societies in the Delhi University circuit.

We Take Pride in Our Numbers
Event Footfall
Fellowship Registrations
Newsletter Subscriptions
Cash Prizes Given
Years of Service
Finance Platter Speaker Sessions
M&C Projects
Our Past Partners

Our Services
Mentorship and Consulting (M&C) Department
The Finance and Investment Cell realizes the dynamic industry needs advanced skillsets. The Consulting wing was set in motion to help students apply their skills by undertaking live projects. The wing has executed live projects spanning Financial Modelling, Technical Analysis, Market Research, etc.
Collaborate With Us
Organizing and Sponsorship (O&S) Department
The Organizing and Sponsorship department works with outside entities to bring in sponsorship for FIC, Hansraj College and organizes all kinds of events for the society. The work consists of converting clients into a mutual agreement over sharing deliverables.
Our Social Responsibility
Social Wing
The Social Wing of the Finance and Investment Cell, Hansraj college is an initiative to spread financial awareness especially among the less privileged strata of the society. This initiative has been undertaken to fulfill the social responsibility towards the society and help bring the needed change in the community.
Our Departments
Research and Development Department
The Research and Development Cell aims to spread awareness about everything finance and beyond. The department attempts at breaking conventionally complex financial concepts and news into a simplified manner by hosting interactive discussions, sessions with industry experts etc.
Meet the team
The Core